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Funded Project
Funding Program: IPM Partnership Grants
Project Title: School IPM best practices for the northeastern United States website updates and promotion
Project Director (PD):
Lynn Braband [1]
Lead State: NY

Lead Organization: Cornell University
Undesignated Funding: $17,058
Start Date: Mar-01-2019

End Date: Feb-29-2020
Pests Involved: Structural and school grounds pests
Site/Commodity: Schools
Area of Emphasis: Schools
Summary: Pest management in schools has received increased attention in the Northeast and nationwide. In 2013, the Northeast School IPM Working Group (NESIWG) received a Northeastern IPM Center Partnership Grant to develop a website on comprehensive, yet succinct and accessible, best practices for school IPM. This resource has received significant use and stakeholder feedback, while commending the value and need of the resource, indicated that its value will greatly depend on its being supported and kept up-to-date. NESIWG members have been working with the Northeastern IPM Center to update and improve the organization of the website. However, progress has been slow. In order to maintain the value of the resource, salary support is needed for someone to organize and facilitate the process. The organization and content of the NESIWG’s website also need to be addressed. With this project, we will update both websites utilized systematic feedback from stakeholder focus groups in four states and the NESIWG and promote the improved sites regionwide.

Objectives: 1) Obtain organized feedback on the current School IPM Best Practices and NESIWG websites.
2) Targeted reorganization and updates of School IPM Best Practices site.
3) Update NESIWG website including regional priorities.
4) Promote the School IPM Best Practices and NESIWG sites to key stakeholder groups.

Website: School IPM Best Practices
Final Report:

Obtained feedback on the school IPM best practices website and the NESIWG home page from stakeholders in collaborating states, the NESIWG, and
the National School IPM Steering Committee. Using this information, worked with the NE IPM Center to reorganize the websites. Updated the resources
in the websites and the regional school IPM priorities. Promoted the websites throughout the region.
Recorded feedback from stakeholders in 3 states over the length of the project (Appendix 3.).
Recorded feedback from peer reviewers from the National School IPM Steering Committee (Appendix 4.)
Recorded number & types of audiences reached during promotion of the websites (Appendix 5.). Many of these will have a multiplier effect, via wide distribution in venues as e-newsletters from Maine (1231 recipients with potential to reach all of state's public schools), Pennsylvania (387), and the National Healthy Schools Day announcement.
Promotional brochure distributed electronically throughout the NE, with 14 downloads by April 13.
2500 promotional post cards and book marks distributed among collaborators and the EPA.
Report Appendices
    9999355_0000001.pdf [PDF]

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Northeastern IPM Center
340 Tower Road
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853

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