IPM News and Events Roundup 10/27/23

IPM News and Events Roundup                

A weekly collection of IPM news, webinars, employment, funding opportunities, and more from the Northeastern IPM Center       


If you have IPM-related research, events, or other IPM news you would like to have included, please email Jerrie Haines at jlh472@cornell.edu. If you would like to subscribe to the weekly Roundup, please email northeastipm@cornell.edu. Past Roundups are archived on our website.       


Connect with the Northeastern IPM Center             

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Northeastern IPM Center News       

Northeastern IPM Center Opens 2024 Call for Proposals 

The Northeastern IPM Center has opened its annual request for applications (RFA) for funding through two grant programs: the IPM Partnership Grants Program and the Pest Management Strategic Plans (PMSPs) and Production/Management Profiles (PMPs) Grants Program

For both programs, the application deadline is November 9, 2023. 


2023 Northeast Integrated Pest Management Research Update Conference

  • Day 1: November 13, 2023, 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 noon EST
  • Day 2: November 16, 2023, 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 noon EST

This conference hosted by the Northeastern IPM Center (NEIPMC) will feature updates from active projects funded by the NEIPMC’s Partnership Grants Program. In addition, the online conference will have updates from IPM-related projects funded through the Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) Program and USDA-NIFA’s Applied Research and Development Program (ARDP) and Extension Implementation Program (EIP).

The rapid style conference will feature 5-minute pre-recorded presentations in which the speakers will discuss 1 or 2 highlights from their projects followed by a live Q and A. The purpose of the conference is to increase collaboration and awareness about current IPM-related research and extension in the Northeast in a fun way.

To participate in the conference, register at the following link:


Upcoming StopPests Webinar in Spanish

StopPests in Housing is offering a training opportunity in Spanish. On November 14th, 1:00pm-2:15pm (eastern), Dr. Maria A. Gonzalez Morales, an indoor pest management expert from the Defense Centers for Public Health and the US Department of Defense, will be sharing the most effective ways to combat cockroaches in housing and how to avoid pesticide resistance. The presentation will help housing professionals, maintenance staff, property managers, and pest management professionals understand how to effectively reduce cockroach populations in the buildings and developments they manage with the most effective tools. Descriptions in Spanish, English, and the registration link are below. Please share with colleagues!

Register here: https://cornell.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_6MIOfGY9TSiKOXAnqCgOxA


“Cucarachas vs Humanos: ¿Quién gana la batalla?”

Cuando: 14 de noviembre 13:00-14:15 (este)

Para registrarse presione aquí: https://cornell.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_6MIOfGY9TSiKOXAnqCgOxA


Research in the News

Phylogenetic relatedness can influence cover crop-based weed suppression (nature.com | 10/2023)

Uriel D. Menalled, Richard G. Smith, Stephane Cordeau, Antonio DiTommaso, Sarah J. Pethybridge and

Matthew R. Ryan 

Cover crops are plants grown to provide regulating, supporting, and cultural ecosystem services in managed environments. In agricultural systems, weed suppression services from cover crops can be an important tool to promote sustainability as reliance on herbicides and tillage for weed management has caused pollution, biodiversity loss, and human health issues. However, to effectively use weed suppression services from cover crops, farmers must carefully select species that fit within their rotations and suppress their problematic weeds. Understanding how the relatedness between cover crops and weeds affects their interactions will help farmers select cover crops for targeted weed management. The phylogenetic distance between species reflects their relatedness and was studied through a series of field experiments that compared weed suppression in winter and summer cover crops with tilled controls. This study demonstrates that cover crops can reduce up to 99% of weed biomass and alter weed community structure by suppressing phylogenetically related weed species.


Optimizing Integrated Pest Management in Mesotunnels for Organic Acorn Squash in New York (apsjournals.apsnet.org | 10/2023) 

Sarah Jane Pethybridge, Kellie Damann, Sean Murphy, Kaitlin Diggins, and Mark L. Gleason

Organic production of cucurbits in New York (NY) is challenged by a complex of biotic stresses, including insect pests, diseases, and weeds. The recent emergence of cucurbit yellow vine disease (CYVD), caused by the bacterium Serratia marcescens and spread by squash bugs (Anasa tristis), in NY is of urgent concern due to the lack of synthetic insecticide alternatives and effective complementary organic management practices. Cucurbit productivity is also related to effective weed management in the furrow (inter-row space between the raised beds) to prevent resource competition for plant growth and ease of harvesting. Field trials were conducted in organic acorn squash (cv. Table Ace) during 2021 and 2022 to evaluate the effect of exclusion netting in a mesotunnel on pest populations, disease incidence, and weed management techniques in the furrow.


Effect of multi-tactic weed management on weed suppression and yield in the establishment year of intermediate wheatgrass (acsess.onlinelibrary.wiley.com | 10/2023)

Uriel D. MenalledChristopher J. PelzerAntonio DiTommasoMatthew R. Ryan

Intermediate wheatgrass [Thinopyrum intermedium (Host) Barkworth & Dewey] (IWG) is a new perennial grain crop that can be harvested for multiple years. However, IWG grows slower than annual grain crops and is relatively uncompetitive with weeds during its establishment. Using multiple weed management tactics is a foundational principle of ecological weed management that can lead to synergistic interactions between tactics. Red clover intercropping, cultivation, and mowing—applied in isolation and all possible combinations—were assessed in a field experiment conducted at two sites in the northeastern United States.


Applications of Germicidal Ultraviolet Light as A Tool for Fire Blight Management (Erwinia amylovora) in Apple (apsjournals.apsnet.org | August 2023)

Isabella Yannuzzi, David Gadoury, Alexandra Davidson, and Kerik D. Cox

Nighttime applications of germicidal UV light (UV-C) have been used to suppress several fungal diseases of plants, but less is known of the potential of UV-C to suppress bacterial plant pathogens. Fire blight of apple and pear, caused by the bacterium Erwinia amylovora, is difficult to suppress using cultural practices, antibiotics, and host resistance, and we therefore investigated the potential of UV-C as an additional means to manage the disease. Laboratory assays confirmed that in vitro exposure of cultures E. amylovora to UV-C at doses ranging from 0 to 400 J/m2 in the absence of visible light were more than doubly effective compared to the same doses when the cultures were exposed to visible light after UV exposure.




Pest Management Solutions for Specialty Crops and Specialty Uses

60 Years of Impact


News from North Central IPM Center


DEIA IPM Funding

Spotted Lanternfly Preparation

Cotton Crop Resources


This Predatory Mite is a Rising Star in Pest Management (entomologytoday.org | 10/18/2023)

In the world of agricultural entomology, the quest for sustainable pest management solutions has led us down a fascinating path. Among the multitude of biocontrol agents, the predatory mite Amblyseius swirskii has emerged as a game changer. Its remarkable capabilities and versatility make it a highly valued asset in our efforts against pests in vegetable crops. However, several challenges and considerations must be addressed to realize its full potential.


Microbial Allies May Help Turn Tables on Tar Spot Fungus in Corn (ARS News Service)

First reported in Illinois and Indiana in 2015, tar spot has now expanded to include other nearby states, as well as Florida and Canada. The disease manifests as raised black spots that mottle the leaves, husks and stalks of susceptible corn varieties, diminishing their photosynthetic ability and, in severe cases, killing the plants and inflicting grain yield losses of 20 to 60 bushels an acre.


40K trout in Marion euthanized after testing finds whirling disease (wcyb.com | 10/19/2023)

The Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources has euthanized 40,000 trout after recent testing detected whirling disease at the Marion Fish Hatchery.

This is about a 20% reduction in normal stocking levels for Southwest Virginia and a 5% reduction statewide. Trout anglers are likely to see a reduction in trout stocking, particularly in Dickenson, Buchanan, Wise, Lee, Scott, Russell, Washington, Smyth, Tazewell, and Grayson counties. The VDWR "is working to reallocate fish as feasible to make up for shortfalls and is implementing measures to reduce the future impact of this parasite on trout production," according to a news release.


Pest Talks (growertalks.com | 10/23/2023)

What the ... ?
Paid-for Scouting
Major Pests Identified
IR-4 Priorities


Shattercane populations on rise in Midwest fields (farmprogress.com | 10/2023)

Midwest farmers are experiencing an increase of shattercane in cornfields, and the University of Missouri is looking at why.

Typically, a farmer’s last post-herbicide application to control weeds is around mid-June. However, a two-year study by MU doctoral candidate Emma Gaither found shattercane continuing to emerge past the point of residual herbicide control in fields across Missouri and even into Illinois.


30-Year Study Documents Decline of Bioluminescent Beetles in Brazil (entomologytoday.org | 10/25/2023)

Even the grandeur of stars in the heavens on a moonless night pales before the fairy-like blinking of fireflies as they try to attract mates in the darkness. But, their light show is being dimmed by the glare of ALAN, the acronym for “artificial light at night.”

Fireflies—more than 2,000 species of beetles grouped in the family Lampyridae—are increasingly threatened by ALAN, which scrambles their senses and forces them to use more energy to flash more brightly. Many other bioluminescent beetles, notably the rove beetles (Staphylinidae) and glowworm beetles (Phengodidae), are in the same fix. Competition with ALAN comes atop pressure from habitat pollution and loss, plus other environmental stresses that take a toll on these bearers of living light.


Rehabilitating Lahaina (reuters.com | 10/25/2023)

After Hawaii’s worst wildfire killed scores of people in August, local and federal agencies are reckoning with the toxic chemicals created when a built environment burns


Webinars, Seminars, Meetings, and More             

What’s Bugging You? First Friday Events (New York State IPM Program)             

Fridays | 12:00 pm. – 12:30 p.m. EDT | Zoom | Free; registration required.             

In this monthly virtual series, we explore timely topics to help you use integrated pest management (IPM) to avoid pest problems and promote a healthy environment where you live, work, learn and play. What is IPM? It's a wholistic approach that uses different tools and practices to not only reduce pest problems, but to also address the reasons why pests are there in the first place. Each month, our speakers will share practical information about how you can use IPM.             

2023 What’s Bugging You First Friday Schedule              

Join us Live on the first Friday of every month from Noon to 12:30 EST on Zoom.             

  • November 3: Winter Garden prep | Tick check reminder             
  • December 1: Houseplant IPM | Firewood pests             

Register for upcoming events.             

What’s Bugging You First Friday events are in Spanish this year. Individuals interested in these events can find more information on this website: https://cals.cornell.edu/new-york-state-integrated-pest-management/outreach-education/events/whats-bugging-you-webinars/conozca-su-plaga             

And can register using this form: https://cornell.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3OQDpakcGrSd3tc   


Insight into detection and management of root-knot nematodes in root vegetables in the southeast
Abolfazl Hajihassani, University of Florida
Joint Plant Pathology & Plant-Microbe Biology Section – AgriTech
Tuesday, October 31, 11:20 am – 12:10 pm, A134 Barton Lab & Zoom Passcode: Seminar


How do farmers benefit from agricultural research? Can we do it better?
Simon Cook, Murdoch University
Soil & Crop Sciences Section
Thursday, November 2, 12:20 – 1:10 pm, 135 Emerson & by Zoom

Vertebrate Pest Management Needs Assessment Survey (North Carolina State University | West Virginia University Extension)   

The purpose of this survey is to collect data from professionals who provide information, advice, or educational resources to their clientele on vertebrate pest management. The researchers will use the responses to learn what resources participants currently use or distribute, and determine how we can create future learning opportunities on IPM in vertebrate pest management. Target audience is extension professionals (specialists, agents/educators), state and federal wildlife agency staff, technical advisors, and other wildlife control professionals throughout the United States and its territories.   

Survey to remain active until November 1, 2023   


University of Maryland Eastern Shore - Annual Small Farms Conference

November 2-4, 2023

Learn tools and strategies to increase farm profitability and promote farm sustainability at UMES Extension’s Small Farm Conference 2023. In its 20th year, the event will expand from the normal two days, to add additional pre-conference experiences. The event will be held from Nov. 3-4, 2023, with the pre-conference taking place Nov. 2.

The 2023 conference will consist of three tracks:

  • Nontraditional agriculture.
  • Business and market sense.
  • Ag research and trending topics.

Keynote speakers will be featured on Friday and Saturday. Demonstrations and off-site farm tours will round out the conference.


Entomology 2023: Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting (Entomological Society of America)  

November 5 – 8, 2023 | National Harbor, Maryland  

The theme for Entomology 2023 is Insects and Influence: Advancing Entomology's Impact on People and Policy.  


Northeast Greenhouse Conference & Expo   

November 8 – 9, 2023 | Manchester, New Hampshire   

The biennial Northeast Greenhouse Conference & Expo is co-sponsored by New England Floriculture, a group of grower representatives from the Northeast, augmented by university and cooperative extension staff in each state who specialize in greenhouse crops and management. Typical attendees include greenhouse growers, garden centers, retailers, nurseries?, landscapers, press, allied trade, educators, and students.   

Varying registration tiers available with discounted rates through September 25   



Thursday, November 9, 2023 @ 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM EST

Endangered species protections can take the form of nationwide mitigations on the general pesticide product label or geographic-specific mitigations located in Endangered Species Protection Bulletins (Bulletins), which are accessed through EPA’s Bulletins Live! Two (BLT) website. Pesticide applicators are required to visit the BLT website when directed by a product label and follow any mitigations specified for the intended application area. When users are directed to follow them on a pesticide label, Bulletins are enforceable mitigations under FIFRA. This webinar provides an overview of the BLT system, what pesticide applicators need to know about complying with Bulletins, and how and when to access BLT and locate applicable Bulletins. Before joining, be sure to check your system requirements (https://joincheck.gotowebinar.com/?role=attendee) to avoid any connection issues. EPA is committed to protecting the privacy and security of the information it holds. By clicking the “Register” button below, you agree to receive emails from EPA regarding this webinar.


Wild Spotter Invasive Species Ambassador Training Course (Invasives Free USA)   

December 5 – 7, 2023 | Coeur D’Alene, Idaho | $300   

This intensive training will include: building relationships and partnerships and engaging stakeholders; branding and marketing programs; using innovative tools and technologies; and leveraging volunteer citizen-science coordination, recruitment, and retention to meet invasive species management goals and expand local community capacity for action.   

This gathering will have limited attendance through a merit selection process. Priority will be given to participants who can demonstrate their commitment to building invasive species management capacity within their community.  


Transition to Organic Partnership Program Releases National TOPP Website

As you've probably heard, we have been working together with other northeast states on the Transition to Organic Partnership Program (TOPP) which includes mentorship, technical assistance, and community building designed to help support farmers during and after transition to organic.

There is still time to apply for mentorship for the 2023/24 cycle. If you are interested in becoming a mentor farmer or are considering transitioning your farm to organic practices and have questions or need help, please submit your interest through the links below.

I'm interested in receiving technical assistance or working with a mentor

I'm interested in becoming a paid Farmer mentor


2023 High Tunnel Production Conference | Revitalizing Your Tunnel Vision

University of Vermont, in cooperation with the Univ. of New Hampshire and Univ. of Maine, is holding a conference on high tunnel production in northern New England. The event, titled “Revitalizing Your Tunnel Vision” will be held December 6 and 7, 2023 in West Lebanon, NH. Speakers from the organizing institutions, along with specialists from Purdue University, and various regional companies and USDA agencies will present the latest best practices for high tunnel production. Hands-on sessions on insect and disease diagnosis and soil fertility will be offered as well as irrigation technologies, cover cropping, soil sterilization, market strategies, and more. As weather events become more extreme, high tunnel production is becoming the norm for many vegetable farmers. However, growing under plastic presents unique challenges. This conference will help new and experienced growers improve their crop yields and quality through better production practices.

In the morning of Day 1, a tour will be offered by the farmers of Spring Ledge Farm, in New London, NH. (https://www.springledgefarm.com). The afternoon of Day 1 will include hands-on sessions on how to id insects and diseases and interpret soil tests. Day 2 will be a full program of presentations on diverse key topics associated with growing the best crops. The event will encourage grower interactions to ensure the program addresses practical issues and will allow for grower-to-grower exchange of ideas. Pesticide re-certification credits (3 on Day 1; 3.5 on Day 2) will be awarded to attendees from states with reciprocal arrangements with New Hampshire.

The program is available at: https://www.uvm.edu/~htunnel/High%20Tunnel%20Conference%20Registration%20Flyer%20v9-28-2023.pdf

On-line registration is at: https://bit.ly/TUNNEL23

Contact Cheryl Sullivan at (802) 656-5434, cfrank@uvm.edu for details or to request a disability-related accommodation to participate.


Blue Ridge PRISM Fall Meeting 2023: 

"Virginia's Hardwood Forests: Lore, Lies, Luck & Looking Forward" 

with guest speaker David Carter 

(Free webinar w/Q&A)

Wednesday, November 1, 11:30 am to 1:00 pm

Blue Ridge PRISM's Fall Quarterly meeting with feature guest speaker David Carter who will discuss the challenges that Virginia's hardwoods face and will elaborate on ways to make informed and effective decisions to help tackle these issues. Dr. Carter will have a Q&A with the audience at the end of his presentation.

Cost: Free



Register:  https://www.eventbrite.com/e/721828056147?aff=oddtdtcreator


2023 NAISMA Annual Biocontrol Summit


The North American Invasive Species Management Association’s 4th Annual Weed Biocontrol Summit will be held virtually on December 7, 2023, from 11:00 am – 3:00 pm CST. The Biocontrol Summit communicates the latest in classical weed biocontrol research to North American invasive plant managers and educators and aims to connect researchers to on-the-ground practitioners. This year, NAISMA is highlighting the role weed biological control can play in reducing wildfire risk and mitigating wildfire impacts throughout North America. The Biocontrol Summit integrates research and implementation of biocontrol from the regional land managers' perspective.

December 7, 2023 from 11:00 am - 3:00 pm (CST)

Register Here


Employment Opportunities     

Faculty Specialist – Entomology & IPM (Full-time; Ellicott City, Maryland)  

University of Maryland Extension  

University of Maryland Extension is seeking a faculty specialist to join its team at the Central Maryland Research and Education Center in Ellicott City, Maryland. The specialist will assist with the entomology and IPM educational programming needs of the Home and Garden Information Center, State Master Gardener Program, and county-based home horticulture faculty. Learn more or apply at https://ejobs.umd.edu/postings/111894  


Assistant Extension Professor of Horticulture and Ornamental Horticulture Specialist (Full-time; Orono, Maine) 

University of Maine Cooperative Extension 

This position will develop and conduct educational programs and applied research projects throughout the state with an emphasis on Maine’s green industry. Maine agricultural industries of focus include floriculture, nurseries, garden centers, arboriculture, greenhouse production, and clients involved in consumer horticulture. This position works with other extension faculty, advisory boards, and commodity associations to offer programs addressing the educational needs of Maine’s landscape designers, landscape professionals, nursery growers, propagators, arborists, growers, and professional gardeners. 

Review of applications to begin October 23, 2023. 


Post-Doctoral Associate Position Shrewsbury Lab - Biological Control / IPM

University of Maryland – College Park

The Shrewsbury Lab is seeking a highly motivated Postdoctoral Research Scientist to conduct research and Extension activities on biological control of the invasive spotted lanternfly (SLF), Lycorma delicatula. As part of a collaborative effort between UMD and USDA APHIS, the incumbent will examine the efficacy and impact of biological control approaches using pathogens and other natural enemies against SLF. The overall goal of the project is to provide less toxic and sustainable pest management tools to stakeholders. Click here for a full position description. Review of applications will begin immediately, and applications will be considered on a rolling basis until a suitable candidate is identified. It is strongly preferred the candidate be able to start the position by the end of October 2023 or earlier.   


Assistant Professor, Extension Specialty Crops Plant Pathologist

The University of Tennessee - Knoxville: UT Institute of Agriculture: Entomology & Plant Pathology

The recruited individual is expected to develop and deliver a vibrant, nationally recognized innovative applied research and Extension education program focused on diseases of important and emerging crops of Tennessee (e.g., fruits, vegetables, tobacco, hemp, hops). The individual will provide technical expertise on disease management, will develop an educational program(s) using traditional and innovative outreach tools for diverse audiences (e.g., Extension agents and specialists, producers, regional and state leaders, Master Gardeners), and will provide leadership in developing a specialty crop Extension and outreach programs that meet the needs of all eligible clientele regardless of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, pregnancy, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, physical or mental disability, genetic information, veteran status, and parental status. The candidate also is expected to develop an innovative applied research program of state, regional, or national importance that addresses important plant health and disease issues of specialty crops, to participate in the training and mentoring of undergraduate and graduate students, and to provide service to the department, university, and professional societies or organizations.


Extension Assistant Professor - Sustainable Fruit & Vegetable Production

UMass Amherst

The Stockbridge School of Agriculture at the University of Massachusetts Amherst invites applications for a full-time, 12-month, Extension faculty position at the rank of Assistant Professor. The successful candidate will participate as a full member of UMass faculty in a 12-month, non-tenure track appointment.

We are looking for a candidate who will develop applied research and Extension programs that will support commercial fruit and vegetable production while investigating and implementing innovative and sustainable production systems that support farm sustainability and viability. Instructional responsibilities may include courses in sustainable horticulture, fruit or vegetable production, or related courses in the candidate’s disciplinary area.

Click HERE for more information on the position and how to apply.

Review of applicants will begin November 15, 2023, and will continue until an ideal candidate is identified. Questions can be directed to the search committee chair, Dr. Jaime Piñero (jpinero@umass.edu).


Assistant/Associate Extension Educator for Controlled Environment Agriculture

University of Connecticut

This full-time, 11-month appointment for a non-tenure-track position at the rank of Assistant/Associate Extension Educator in CAHNR to collectively advance Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA). The successful candidate is expected to develop strong working relationships with producers throughout the state; interact with UConn faculty, state, and federal agency personnel; and develop interdisciplinary extension programs. This is an off-campus, county-based position. Assignment of office location is negotiable in the northwest or northeast part of the state and requires the individual to travel.


Extension Assistant Professor - Urban Agriculture

UMass Amherst

The Stockbridge School of Agriculture at the University of Massachusetts Amherst invites applications for a full-time, non-tenure track, 12-month, Extension faculty position at the rank of Assistant Professor. We are looking for a candidate who will develop an integrated program in urban agriculture involving Extension, teaching, and research.

Urban agriculture encompasses a wide range of skills and expertise that includes, but is not limited to, horticulture, indoor production, environmental remediation, soil health, community and urban development, nutrition, and food systems. A new faculty member would link efforts in these areas in Stockbridge, the Center for Agriculture, Food & the Environment, and the University in an urban agriculture and food systems program. The new faculty member will have the opportunity to modify and develop courses in urban horticulture and food systems in Stockbridge for both campus and online programs, and guide students in related internships.

Click HERE for more information and to apply.


Review of applicants will begin December 1, 2023, and will continue until an ideal candidate is identified. Questions can be directed to the search committee chair, Dr. Daniel Cooley (dcooley@umass.edu).


Northeast SARE - Hiring Administrative Operations Coordinator

The University of Vermont seeks a full-time Administrative Operations Coordinator for the Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program, which is funded by the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA).

The Administrative Operations Coordinator oversees internal administrative operations of USDA/NIFA’s Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program, which funds applied research in twelve Northeast states and the District of Columbia. They co-manage the Northeast regional SARE office, to fulfill the University of Vermont’s obligations as a host institution for the SARE program. This involves: supervising 4 administrative staff located at UVM; collaborating with the Director to manage relationships with UVM departments and administration and to setup the cooperative agreement with NIFA; overseeing contracting processes with all grantees; serving as staffing coordinator for Northeast SARE; coordinating the organization’s policies and procedures; and overseeing the budget of five concurrent cooperative agreements with USDA by monitoring available funds, allocations made by the Administrative Council, operating expenses, and funds awarded in seven different programs.


Funding Opportunities     

Regional IPM centers 2024 calls for proposals/requests for applications (RFAs)  



Regional IPM Centers Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) RFA's

New IPM Funding for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility Available

The Regional IPM Centers today are releasing three new diversity-focused funding opportunities with a total of about $200,000 available nationally. Specifically, the Centers are offering Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility grants, fellowships and mini-grants.

The goal of the Regional IPM Centers' DEIA grants and fellowships are to make diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility both essential and commonplace within the IPM community.

Here are the details:

  • DEIA Grants: $120,000 available with awards up to $20,000 each. Applications will be considered as received, through January 31,2024 or until funds are exhausted.
  • DEIA Fellowships: Up to eight fellowships of up to $6,000 each will be awarded. Individuals eligible to apply should belong to the faculty, staff or student body of an 1890, 1994, HBCU or HSI institution and should be actively involved in integrated pest management or plant health activities. Applications will be considered as received until funds are exhausted.
  • DEIA Mini-Grants: Up to $30,000 available with awards of up to $5,000 each. Applications will be considered as received until funds are exhausted.

For all three programs, the proposed work or grant activities must be completed by September 17, 2024.

There will be a Zoom meeting on November 7, 2023, at 11 AM ET/10 AM CT to answer questions and
provide more information. Sign up here: DEIA RFA Q&A Registration

If you have any questions or would like to discuss your ideas for this grant prior to applying, please contact DEIA Director, Dr. Katie Hartmann: kh4@iastate.edu.

Learn more and apply


New York DEC Announces $3 Million in Grants Available for Invasive Species Projects (New York State Department of Environmental Conservation)     

New York DEC has announced the availability of $3 million in the third round of the state’s Invasive Species Grant Program. This program is designed to advance projects that address spread prevention of both aquatic and terrestrial invasive species across the state, with awards ranging from $11,000 to $200,000. 

Applications due by 3 p.m. on November 1, 2023


Northeast SARE Farmer Grant Program 2024 Call for Proposals

The online system for submitting your 2024 Farmer Grant Proposal is now open.  

The SARE Grant Management System (projects.sare.org) is for more than proposals, it’s a powerful tool grantees use throughout their projects, feel free to click around and get comfortable. Don’t wait to submit your proposal. You can unsubmit, edit, and resubmit as many times as you need.

The Call for 2024 Northeast SARE Farmer Grants is available here. Approximately $800,000 has been allocated to fund projects for this grant cycle. Awards of up to $30,000 are available, depending on the complexity of a project. The online system for submitting proposals is here.

Proposals are due no later than 5:00 p.m. EST on November 14, 2023. 

Northeast SARE covers the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states of Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Massachusetts, Maryland, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, West Virginia, Vermont, and Washington, D.C. 


Specialty Crop Multi-State Program

Program Purpose

The SCMP supports collaborative multi-state partnerships to enhance the competitiveness of specialty crops through competitively funded projects The focus is to address regional or national level specialty crop issues, including food safety, plant pests and disease, research, crop-specific projects addressing common issues, and marketing and promotion. Projects must enhance the competitiveness of U.S. or U.S. territory-grown specialty crops in either domestic or foreign markets.

Project Area Types

Multi-state partners must develop projects that bring together teams for solutions to practical problems that cross State boundaries and address the needs of specialty crop growers in the areas of food safety, plant pests and disease, research, crop-specific projects addressing common issues, and marketing and promotion.

All project area types are 3-year projects with funding ranging between $250,000 and $1,000,000. Available Funding Approximately $10 million will be available to fund SCMP projects in FY 2023.


Entities residing in a participating state must apply through their State Department of Agriculture. Entities residing in a participating state are ineligible to apply directly to AMS.

Entities in a non-participating state may apply to AMS directly or choose to contact an adjacent participating state to apply on behalf of the entity.

Non-profits entities must apply directly to AMS.

All applicants must be domestic entities owned, operated, and located within the 50 States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, the United States Virgin Islands, or the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.


NIFA Invests $19.6M in Crop Protection and Pest Management

The Crop Protection and Pest Management (CPPM) program addresses high priority issues related to pests, including insects, nematodes, pathogens, and weeds, and their management using IPM approaches at the state, regional and national levels.

The CPPM program supports projects that will increase food security and respond effectively to other major societal challenges with comprehensive IPM approaches that are economically viable, ecologically prudent, and safe for human health. The CPPM program addresses pest management challenges with new and emerging technologies. The outcomes of the CPPM program are effective, affordable, and environmentally sound IPM practices and strategies supporting more vital communities.

The CPPM program provides support in three program areas:

Applied Research and Development Program Area (ARDP)

Extension Implementation Program Area (EIP)

Regional Coordination Program Area (RCP)



Agency Name:  Environmental Protection Agency

Description:  Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a group of manufactured chemicals that have been widely used in industry and consumer products since the 1940s. PFAS are resistant to environmental and metabolic degradation and can build up in the environment and the human body over time [1]. The substances may be found in soil, air, water, and food as well as in materials in homes or workplaces (e.g., fire extinguishing foam, food packaging, biosolids, personal care packaging, etc.) [2,3]. Due to their widespread use, most people in the United States have been exposed to some level of PFAS. Exposure to certain PFAS may lead to detrimental health impacts including reproductive effects, developmental effects, increased risks of cancers, weakening of the immune system, and endocrine system disruption [4,5]. Agriculture and PFAS chemicals can intersect through soil, air, and water. These resources may be contaminated through dust particles, application of biosolid residues, and leaching [6,7,8,9].

A large portion of current PFAS research has prioritized data generation and information collection through theoretical science instead of practical application. Identifying, characterizing, and understanding PFAS uptake within agricultural environments will provide vital information related to exposure pathways and will help inform the development of scalable solutions. Research is essential to increase knowledge related to biological uptake in agricultural and rural settings, improve farm viability, and to explore approaches to understand PFAS accumulation in plants and animals. Future research should build upon previous foundations and develop science that has the potential to guide scalable on-farm solutions. Further research is needed to explore the exposure mechanisms of PFAS, develop mitigation strategies, and increase the general knowledge of PFAS and its health risks.


EPA is soliciting novel research that proposes innovative and multidisciplinary approaches to better understand PFAS uptake in plants and animals in agricultural environments. PFAS mitigation and contamination prevention strategies should also be an aspect of the research.


Armed Forces Pest Management Board - FY24 Deployed Warfighter Protection (DWFP) Program

The Armed Forces Pest Management Board (AFPMB) invites pre-proposal applications for the Fiscal Year 2024 (FY24) Deployed Warfighter Protection (DWFP) Program, for research projects up to 3 years and up to US $975,000.  Pre-proposals should describe original, innovative research designed to develop new interventions for the protection of deployed military personnel from medically relevant pests including arthropod disease vectors.  The program supports the product development of: (1) new toxicants or the adaptation of existing toxicants to medically relevant pests; (2) new insecticide application techniques; (3) new personal protection tools for bite prevention; (4) new decision support tools and (5) surveillance tools that link to improved vector control outcomes.  Research should be product-oriented, consisting of advanced research related to a particular technology or new capability, field evaluation of products for military uses, or research directed towards the development of an existing prototype product for future commercialization and U.S. EPA registration (as appropriate).
The FY24 DWFP pre-proposal package is due 12 December 2022.  The package consists of a fillable PDF pre-proposal form and project summary slide (i.e., quad chart).  

For more information, see the FY24 DWFP Pre-Proposal Announcement and Broad Agency Announcement AFPMB-BAA-24-01 here.  The FY24 DWFP Pre-Proposal Announcement is also attached to this message. For scientific questions, contact Dr. Gabriela Zollner at osd.pentagon.ousd-atl.mbx.afpmb-dwfp@mail.mil (do not reply to this message).  Due to the high volume of messages, allow 2-4 business days for a response.

For technical issues with forms, contact the AFPMB Webmaster at osd.pentagon.ousd-atl.mbx.afpmb@mail.mil.