Advisory Council Membership Guidelines
Role of the Advisory Council. The Advisory Council (AC) consists of diverse representatives who have a stake in the mission of the Northeastern IPM Center:
The Northeastern IPM Center fosters the development and adoption of integrated pest management, a science-based approach to dealing with pests—one that provides economic, environmental, and human health benefits. We engage with stakeholders in agricultural, urban, and rural settings who work with us to identify and address regional priorities, whether for research, education, or outreach.
The AC provides broad vision and guidance to the Northeastern IPM Center staff and links the Center to stakeholder needs and priorities for improved pest management in the region. Moreover, the AC is an important avenue for Center outreach. AC members explain and promote the Center to their own constituencies and beyond. Finally, the AC affords its members the opportunity to communicate with and learn from each other.
Member Expectations. Members are expected to attend Advisory Council meetings and participate via email or conference call as needed. We currently hold four virtual meetings per year, but may resume some in-person meetings in the future. AC members act as conduits of Center activities to the particular groups they represent. In turn, they are also encouraged to give feedback to the Northeastern IPM Center from their representative group(s).
Determining New Members. The Northeastern IPM Center Advisory Council, Steering Committee, stakeholders, and staff members are responsible for seeking out new AC members when a position is open. The Center director and the Steering Committee will make final determinations of membership.
Size of the Advisory Council. The number of people on the AC is limited to 36, excluding Northeastern IPM Center staff.
Advisory Council Composition. The AC draws representatives from the following stakeholder groups, although not from all groups each year. In parentheses are the suggested number(s) of representatives. AC members can represent several categories.
- 1890 institution (1) Rotate among the potential schools every 3 years
- EPA—national (1)
- EPA—regional (2) rotating positions
- Extension (3)
- Food Industry Stewardship (1)
- Government (e.g., Office of Pest Management Policy, NASS, or APHIS) (1)
- Grower organization (2)
- Housing and Urban Development (HUD) (1)
- Independent Pest Management Consultant (2)
- IPM Working Group Leader (2)
- IR-4 Project (1)
- Marketing (1)
- Natural Resources Conservation Service (1)
- NEERA (Chair and designee) (2)
- Nongovernmental Environmental Organization (2)
- Non-land-grant University (1)
- Northeast Extension Service Directors (1) non-rotating position
- Northeast Plant Diagnostic Network (1)
- Northeast Research Station Directors (1) non-rotating position
- Production agriculture (2)
- Research (3)
- State lead agency (e.g., Dept. of Agriculture) (2)
- Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education program (1)
- USDA NIFA, IPM representative (1) non-rotating position
Guests. Stakeholders who are not AC members may participate in meetings, committees, and conference calls for specific reasons if approved by the Center director. Expenses incurred may be reimbursed on a case-by-case basis.
Membership Terms. Membership terms are for three years, beginning with the first AC meeting attended. After the initial three-year term, the Steering Committee may request that an AC member serve an additional three-year term. Once this second term has expired, the AC member normally withdraws from the AC for one year before being asked to serve another renewable term.
Expenses. Members may request reimbursement from the Northeastern IPM Center for the following expenses incurred during travel to AC meetings:
- Reimbursement for travel by air (up to $900), train, bus, or automobile (current federal mileage reimbursement rate). Shuttles or taxis to and from these modes of transport are reimbursed also;
- Hotel accommodations, including hotel rooms and parking, but excluding room service and phone bills;
- Food and beverages, excluding alcohol.
Travel expenses will be reimbursed by check sent to the AC member; some meeting expenses (e.g., dining) will be paid for directly by the Northeastern IPM Center when possible.
Lapsed Membership (Excusing Members). Members are considered inactive when no communication exists between an AC member and any Northeastern IPM Center staff in response to Northeastern IPM Center business (by email, telephone, or meeting attendance) for a year. Before excusing an AC member, the Steering Committee and all Northeastern IPM Center staff will be informed by the Center director. Upon the approval of the Steering Committee, contact will be made with the member about the termination of membership. Members may also excuse themselves by submitting a letter to the Steering Committee via the Center director.
Representation Contingencies. If a search for replacements to fulfill a stakeholder category is unsuccessful after attempting recruitment of nominees from IPM stakeholders, IPM Coordinators, AC members, and the Steering Committee, the position will remain open until a representative can be found. Some categories of AC membership have only one person who can serve as a representative of the stakeholder group. These positions may remain unchanged indefinitely.
Updated August 2023