Cooperative Extension in Indigenous Communities: Experiences of Educators
Recorded November 8, 2022
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Extension services are available in nearly 100% of U.S. counties but can only be found in roughly 10% of Indigenous communities. Given the Land Grant mission of equity and access, as well as the history of Indigenous land dispossession that allowed for the creation of Land-Grant Institutions, Extension has a responsibility to provide equitable access to the benefits of Extension education. When these programs do exist, they tend to be underfunded and not able to provide equitable support. Despite these challenges, educators are creating successful collaborations with Indigenous communities. We will explore the characteristics of successful educators and programs, some of the barriers that they face, and the systemic structures that can be put into place to support them.

Katie Hartmann, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Agriculture Education and Studies Department at Iowa State University.
Dr. Katie Hartmann
Dr. Hartmann received her PhD in Education, Equity, and Transformation from Colorado State University. Her work focuses on equity and access in formal and informal agricultural education settings, and the systemic barriers faced by marginalized communities to education. Specifically, she has focused on inclusive and decolonizing pedagogies, community development through culturally responsive programming, and assisting educators and institutions build collaborations with diverse communities. She is particularly interested in Cooperative Extension’s collaborations with Indigenous communities, the sociohistorical context of the Land Grant System, and decolonizing methodologies and practices.