A list of publications supported by Northeastern IPM Center grants.
- Dung Beetles in Vermont and New York
Dung beetles are a very important part of the pasture ecosystem. They are beneficial insects which provide a variety of ecosystem services on pastures.
- Varroa Mite IPM Brochure
This brochure introduces the varroa mite, provides steps to doing an alcohol mite wash, and lists IPM options for controlling varroa mites.
- Bed Bug Prevention and Control for Health Workers
In this short video, top bed bug researchers explain what bed bugs look like, bed bug behavior, and how bed bugs spread.
- A Closer Look: Microclimates and Disease Risk at the Canopy-Level
This online publication contains information about monitoring environmental conditions within plant canopies, particularly for strawberry growers that are using row covers.
- Tarping in the Northeast: A Guide for Small Farms
This online publication covers reusable tarps, including black plastic (silage tarps), clear plastic, and landscape fabric, as multi-functional, accessible tools that are increasingly popular on small farms.
- Spotted Wing Drosophila IPM in Blueberries
Spotted wing drosophila represents a major challenge to producers of blueberries in the northeastern U.S. and elsewhere. This document summarizes best management practices with a focus on blueberries.
- Spotted Wing Drosophila IPM in Raspberries and Blackberries
Spotted wing drosophila represents a major challenge to producers of raspberries and blackberries in the northeastern U.S. and elsewhere. This document summarizes best management practices with a focus on red and black raspberries and blackberries.
- Invasive Hardy Kiwi: An Emerging Invasive in the Northeastern United States
This handbook and fact sheet provide information about hardy kiwi (Actinidia arguta), which is gaining attention as an invasive plant in the United States.
- Bees and Their Habitats in Four New England States
Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Vermont contain over 400 species of bees, about which little is known except for a few common species. Threats to bees include habitat loss, pests and pathogens, pesticides, and climate change. This publication explores practical methods for improving pollinator habitats to help meet goals in bee conservation and pollination security.
- Bilingual Mushroom IPM Educational Materials
These colorful posters help mushroom industry workers identify insect pests and diseases.
- Introduction to Organic Lawns and Yards
NOFA Organic Land Care has published this 52-page booklet especially for people new to organic landscaping. This is the updated second edition.
- Northeast Vegetable and Strawberry Pest Identification Guide
A 55-page comprehensive pest identification guide with color photos of all of the insects, diseases, and weeds that are described in the regions various Vegetable Management Recommendations.
- Fungicide Resistance Management Guidelines for Vegetable Crops Grown in the Mid-Atlantic Region for 2016
This is an updated edition of the fungicide resistance management guidelines for vegetable crops grown in the mid-Atlantic region.
- TickSmart "I just found a tick" Cards
These unique cards make tick identification easy and provide a reminder for all family, community, and business members to check for ticks every day.
- Identification Guide for Weeds in Cranberries
This guide unites high-quality photographs with detailed text descriptions for 144 weeds commonly found throughout the North American cranberry growing regions.
- IPM Fact Sheets Translated into Spanish
This set of ten fact sheets covers many household pest problems including cockroaches, bed bugs, ants, mice, and head lice.
- Oilseed Production in the Northeast
A 48-page booklet on sunflower and canola production in the Northeast.
- IPM and Green Cleaning in Child Care Facilities
These documents were designed to advance the adoption of integrated pest management and green cleaning policies in registered and licensed child care facilities.
- Wild Pollinators of Eastern Apple Orchards and How to Conserve Them
This 18-page, full-color guide helps readers identify wild pollinators, provide them with food and habitat, and avoid pesticides that are toxic to them.
- The Business Case for Integrated Pest Management in Schools
This publication highlights the economic benefits of school IPM, citing cases from actual school districts.